Wednesday, 24 June 2009

End of Term and Molly's Graduation

Well as most of you know Molly's past her graduation it was a proud day for all and boxes of tissues required.




Here are some photos from the shows my kids done...Dempsey was a penguin out of Mary Poppins and to be honest he is ADHD and so hyperactive i was actually very proud of him cause he remembered all his steps and actually behaved and it also goes to show that kids who have ADHD are a lot cleverer and smarter than we think his actual school grades first year in primary rate between 8 out of 10 and 10 out of him a Grade A... so am very happy.


Molly done a dance to the song Mamma Mia and then after that those who past their grades got their graduation photos and certificates... it was just so emotional everyone in tears boy's, girl's, mums and dads, granny's and grandads...she also past with a A grade for all her school work and exams i must admit i was a bit worried cause after Christmas she had began to drop in her grades but she has bought herself up with flying colours...





By now you have all grabbed a tissue from the box....So enough of me burbling on..enjoy the photos.

Kids are off to Tenerife this Friday with their Grandfather for 6 to 8 weeks....never let them stay away for more than a night at a friends house so this could be interesting !!!!

Finshed Stitch along and new project

Finally 6 months later and 43200 stitches i finished my TOY EMPORIUM..which i did enjoy but boy was it hard work but with great friends from the blog that i do it on it really makes a difference thanks ladies for all your support.

So umm now what do i do with myself well i have chosen a small project this time it's called "As far as we go " from the AOY collection (All our yesterdays)...Shellie my sweetest friend has got me addicted to this collection...

Ok off to post above the end of school show photos and Molly's Graduation.

Love Tara xx

Tuesday, 9 June 2009


Still suffering from migrains this week think it's something to do with the wacky weird weather we have been having one day backing hot the next cloudy and freezing.

Anyway have been very productive this week in my spare seems to get sorter each time as the busy tourisum season is starting and my work it getting manic will be like this now till the end of october.
I hadn't posted my SAL update this week as i really wanted to get it finished by this weekend and post my gran finale but don't think i'm not going to make my dead line so going to post where i'm up to now, as i've been doing another project see below for the past two days and tomorrow i'm going out in the evening to take the kids to the spanish feria...we have it once a year and it last's for a week where there is a big fair ground in town and parties, dancing, drinkies and lots of eating goes all day and night, all the little girls and boys dress up in special clothes, the Spanish only work a few hours a day during this week including the banks, which was a pain this morning when i found it already shut by 12 noon !!!! and the kids get 4 days off come this thursday !!!!

This is the little project i was working on two days it took me, a Mr Koala for my boy Demspey, as you all know last week Shellie kindly sent me Mr. Penguin to make for my daughter, theses are ready to sew soft toys' well my little boy went nutty wanting a home made teddy so of course i had to Ebay and get another kit. So here's Dempsey's and his home made Koala, he showed the school security guard when i picked him up and the guard has just called me saying i know that this might be a bit cheeky but i don't suppose you could make me one for a friend of mine....OMG...i now have to go back onto Ebay and order some more kits as my mother also wants one....

Also my kids are prepareing for their end of school shows which takes place on the 19th of this month, Dempsey is playing a penguin out of a scene from Mary Poppins so as i am on the PTA committy i was kindly nominated to make some bit for the stage scenary !!!!! And Molly is doing a part out of the movie Mamma Mia as of yet i have not been asked to make anything lets pray it will stay that way....

Haven't taken update photos of kitties this week who will be 8 weeks this wednesday or off puppy Marley but i'll get some done alone with photos from th fair tomorrow night.

Big huggies everyone xxxx

Tuesday, 2 June 2009


Wow been trying to find 5 minutes for days to catch up on my blog every time i sit down and do it i get way laid and end up somewhere on cyber space.

Well i finally got two whole days off at the weekend and spent it down the beach it was brilliant, sun, sea and fresh air, the kids had a whale of a time and Molly took her friend and Dempsey actually asked a little boy if he would like to play with him so that took care of him for the day there i was on the sunbed with a little cross stitch kit (flower blooms) in one hand and a glass of tinto verano (translated as summer red- which is red wine and 7up) in the other hand absolute bliss, but isn't it amazing how doing nothing really tires you out !!!

Ummm well what else has happened this week, i gave the kitties away to their new owners, Malibu (the little white one) went to my friend Emma's who is so proud of him she's been showing him off and taking him around town in a little pouch !! And the other kitty who i did'nt have a home for, the one i had nick named Orphan annie was taken by a friend of my daughters, the Mother was looking to get her daughter a kitten for her birthday and i was ear wigging into her convesation at the school gates so offered her one of my litter and she came round the same night and actually chose Orphan Annie, so a sweet happy i have now been able to bring Lulu (mummy cat) up stairs where she belongs along with the two kitties i am keeping...Bubbles and Harry or could be a Harrieta still can't tell !!


Anyway they are all doing great and enjoying the space of my whole house instead of being in the spare room downstairs at mums.

They are rather cheeky i must admit and have already worked out how to climb up on the bed they will be 7 weeks old tomorrow.

Puppy marley is also being a good boy as the weather has hit hot tempretures here i have started to leave him at home while i go to work he enjoys playing with my mums dog so we are leaving them together downstairs, my two dogs have just not bonded with him i guess cause they are oldish and set in their ways.

Also won another AOY (All our yesterdays) Cross stitch kits on ebay...POPPY FIELDS it arrived yesterday. Don't forget ladies if any of you would like a copy of any of my charts or all of them please let me know as i have now bought a printer/scanner all in one and can either email them off to you or stick them in the post.


Am really hoping to get this totally finshed within 2 weeks, mind saying that i haven't done any for 3 days, better get my needle moving before i get put under the naughty chair with the naughty hat !!!

Right off to put my P-Jams on and relax in front of the telly and do my stitching,

Enjoy life, it's to short to wear a frown xxx

P.S Ignore any spelling mistakes spell checks not working !!!